Archive for November, 2010
Next meeting and the Moreland Bicycle Strategy
Don’t forget that the Draft Moreland Bicycle Strategy is available and comments and feedback are due to the Moreland Council on Wednesday
1 December.
The BUG will be submitting a response, so if you have any comments could you either post them to the list (,
send them to the committee ( or come to the next meeting where we will be discussing the Strategy.
The next meeting, which will be the last BUG meeting for this year, will be on Thursday 25 November at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel (681 Sydney Road, Brunswick – in the back meeting room).
The meeting starts at 7.30 pm and will finish around 9.00 pm. Food and drinks can be purchased there and members and guests are welcome!
missing brew bike….
Dean is missing his brew bike/trike — last seen at his house which is near the corner of The Grove & Nicholson St. in Coburg.
If you see anything that looks like this (fairly distinctive) three wheel keg mover, please email Dean at

Upfield Path detour – up to 12 weeks
Apologies for the late posting of this detour news!
There will be a road closure at the intersection of Bakers Road and the Upfield Railway line in North Coburg (Melway 17 G8). Cyclists using the bike path will be detoured around the site.
Duration: Melbourne Water advises the works could last up to 12 weeks
Start: 5 November 2010
Council regrets the late notice. Council was only informed that the works would be going ahead 2 weeks ago. The late notice is due to coordination issues with the rail operator and/or VicTrack.
If you have any questions, contact Kirsten Lingard at Melbourne Water on 1800 096 546.
Route Detour – Upfield Path at Munro Street Coburg
News from Nicholas Elliot at Moreland Council:
Building works on the corner of Munro Street and Railway Place are going to force cyclists to detour.
The detour route is the same as has occurred already, via the lane on the east side of Railway Place.
Detour should be signed and staffed – it won’t operate all day, just during concrete pours.
Wednesday 17 November to Wednesday 15 December 2010.
Council apologies for the inconvenience