Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

Archive for October, 2009

Fawkner Festival Sun 15th Nov – volunteers needed

The Fawkner Festival is being held on Sunday 15th November this year between 11am and 4pm at Mooma Park, McBryde Street, Fawkner.

The Fawkner Festival is a community festival with music, stalls, food, children’s activities and rides. The Festival is organised by a committee of residents and representatives of local community groups.

The Moreland Bicycle Users Group is intending on holding a stall at the event and require volunteers to help out. We need people to help set up, at least two people at the stall at any one time and people to help pack up the stall. If you could volunteer two hours of your time to help out at the stall or help set up or pack up, please email Phuong with options of your preferred shifts.

Volunteer shifts:
10:30-12:30 – set up & stall
12:30-2:30pm – stall
2:30pm-4:30pm – stall & pack up

Also, there have been suggestions of organising a bike ride from the southern parts of Moreland to the event and also the possibility of organising valet bicycle parking. If anyone is keen to take on any of these, please get in touch with Phuong ASAP!

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The new Moreland BUG committee

I would like to introduce you to the new committee of management for the Moreland BUG, elected at last week’s AGM:

Convenor: Phuong Le,
Deputy/co-convenor: Ross Millward,
Secretary: Julia Mischke,
Treasurer: Stephen Nowicki,
Ordinary members: Katie O’Bryan, Rod Callander, Alisa Bunbury

Firstly, a huge thanks on behalf of the BUG to the outgoing committee members: to Geoff Lewis, for his hard work and dedication as Treasurer over the past couple of years; and to Veena Druskat, who has been a fabulous rides coordinator and ‘ordinary’ member.

I’d also like to congratulate the new committee, and to wish them the very best for the year ahead. I am sure it will be another big and exciting year in which the BUG continues to grow in size and capacity, and the dynamic duo of Ross and Phuong are extremely well equipped to lead us onward and upward!

Happy cycling,
Anna Strempel

PS. From the BUG: a massive thanks to Anna for all of her hard work, enthusiasm and vision as convenor for the last four years!

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Establishing a Hume Bicycle Users’ Group

Hume City Council is helping to facilitate the establishment of a Hume Community BUG.

The BUG will organise rides and social events, campaign and advocate for cyclists needs, and work to improve the local cycling network and generally promote cycling in the community. It is also a great way to meet other cyclists and make new friendships

The inaugural meeting of the Hume BUG will take place:

7pm, Wednesday 11th November 2009

Hume Global Learning Centre, 1079 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows (opposite the Broadmeadows train station)

A light dinner and refreshments will be served (please RSVP for catering purposes).

For more info and to RSVP, please email:

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Reminder – Moreland BUG annual general meeting

Just a reminder that the Moreland BUG’s annual general meeting is scheduled for this Thursday night (October 22nd, 2009) at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel (cnr Albion St & Sydney Rd) at 7pm.

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be:

  1. Confirm minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  2. Presentation of financial statements by the Committee, detailing the transactions of the Group in the preceding financial year
  3. Elect the next Committee of Management
  4. Receive and consider the statement submitted by the Group in accordance with the section 30(3) of the Association Incorporation Act (1981), covering details such as income and expenditure in its last financial year and assets and liabilities at the end of its last financial year
  5. Enact any other business for which required notice has been given in writing to the Secretary
  6. Set membership fees for the following year
  7. Appoint an auditor of the financial records for the ensuing year

We have entertainment lined up and snacks will be provided on the
evening so please put the AGM down in your diary and we’ll see you all

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City of Yarra Draft Bicycle Strategy – submissions due this Thursday

The City of Yarra has released their Draft Yarra Bicycle Strategy 2010-2015.

The deadline for submissions to the strategy ends this Thursday 22 October 2009. Please forward your comments to Council’s Co-ordinator Transport Mark Kulyk c/o Yarra City Council, PO Box 168, Richmond 3121 or at

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Ride to Work day

Wednesday 14 October 2009 is National Ride to Work Day, a day to celebrate cycling.

Across Australia, work places and community groups will host Ride to Work Day breakfasts to reward people who choose the healthy commute.

Last year Moreland City Council hosted a community breakfast in Victoria Mall which attracted around 100 cyclists. This year is going to be even bigger with community breakfasts in three locations across Moreland.

1. Capital City Trail: Velo Bike Hub – Cnr Nicholson Street and Capital City Trail

If you head down Nicholson Street or the back streets of Brunswick East, be sure to stop at the breakfast by Moreland City Council and Velo Bike Hub on the Capital City Trail, just near the intersection of Nicholson Street.

Stop for a muffin and coffee and chat to Council staff or one of the friendly Velo Bike Hub crew.

Over 700 cyclists pass through the Capital City Trail and Nicholson Street intersection on their way to work each day so this breakfast is bound to be a big one.

2. Commuter Cycles: 14 Prentice Street, Brunswick

If you live in Brunswick and head down the Upfield path to get to work, the closest breakfast site is at Commuter Cycles, on Prentice Street between Victoria and Albert Streets, just behind Brunswick Railway station.

Enjoy breakfast, chat to the staff about upcoming bike events and have your bike looked at by one of their mechanics.

If you need to leave your bike for a full service, ask about one of their courtesy bikes.

3. Victoria Mall, Coburg

If you live in Coburg or head down the Upfield path north of Bell Street, visit the main Council breakfast site in Victoria Mall.

We’ll be serving up a healthy breakfast and expect around 100 cyclists to stop, enjoy a pastry, fruit and a cup of coffee.

Come chat to Council staff about how we can improve cycling in your area. We are particularly interested in what Council can do to help encourage cycling in the northern parts of the municipality and want to include your suggestions as part of the Moreland Bike Plan Review

All sites have Moreland TravelSmart Maps available and information about choosing the right bike.

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