Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

Archive for the 'Events' Category

Night Eyes helmet lights ‘instructables’ workshop — Saturday 19th March

Courtesy of bikefun:

Saturday 19th March, 1PM — CERES in Brunswick

In this workshop, we will be teaching you how to make your own cool helmet lights. All you need is a helmet with a fairly horizontal visor and $12 for the parts. All other equipment supplied.
You will learn how to wire up a simple parallel circuit, how to solder, mount the lights on your helmet and come away with a set of fully operational, and very original (and bright! – each is 18,000 mcd) lights.

RSVP: by March 12 essential: Geoff 0418 864 398
COST: $12 for the parts. (All tools supplied)
VENUE: The Merri Room, below the Van Raay Centre, CERES in East Brunswick.
BRING: Your helmet. and a small afternoon tea snack to share.

Organised in conjunction with BikeFun Melbourne & Transition Brunswick. Venue funded by Zero Carbon Moreland – Thanks ZCM!

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Would you like to help out at the Sydney Road Street Festival?

This year’s Sydney Road Street Festival will be held on March 6 (12 noon to 7 pm). The Moreland BUG will be there with an information stall and bike parking for people who ride to the festival.

We are in need of some people who would like to help us out on the day!

If you want to give a hand (as little as one hour is enough) please email Julia and let her know your preferred time you would like to help and also if you would like to help with the stall or the bike parking.

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The Super Tuesday Bike Count (Tuesday, March 1)

Bicycle Victoria organises a visual bike count of bike commuters, which is a really important input into the data used to lobby for better cycling infrastructure. It’s an annual event and this year there are 47 municipalities involved this year.

It’s that time of year when we start pulling together the cycling count. We did it last year with the Moreland council and it was hoot so we are saddling up again.

Paul has updated the website, so if you can spare a couple of hours on the morning of Tuesday March 1 (between 7am and 9am), that would be just fabulous.

We need 30 counters — click here to register!

You can find out more about the Bike Count at the BV website.

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Upcoming Annual General Meeting

Dear all,

The BUG’s Annual General Meeting is coming up and will be held on Thursday the 28th of October 2010 at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel (681 Sydney Road, Brunswick).

The meeting starts at 7.30 pm and will finish around 9.00 pm.

The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting is:

  1. Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  2. Present the financial report
  3. Elect the new Committee of Management
  4. Meet the Candidates from the Greens and find out their view on cycling issues
  5. Other Business

All BUG members (which includes all subscribers to this email list) are welcome to consider nominating for a position on the BUG committee.

The following positions are open for nomination:

  • Convenor
  • Deputy Convenor
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 3 x Ordinary Members

For a description of the roles and duties associated with each position, please see the BUG’s Constitution (attached), or feel free to contact the current office bearers if you have questions ( ; ; ;

Nominations must be made in writing to me by the 21st October, and must be signed by at least 2 other members of the BUG. The nomination form is attached to this notice. Please email scanned nominations to

Please note that nominations will also be accepted on the night of the AGM!

Furthermore, I am happy to arrange for the other two signatories on the nomination form.


Julia Mischke.
Moreland BUG Secretary


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Ride to Work in Moreland

Spring is finally hear, daylight savings is upon us and it’s a great time to be riding.
It’s also time for Ride to Work Day, that annual celebration of commuter cycling.

This year Ride to Work Day falls on Wednesday 13 October (Next Wednesday).

Moreland Council is hosting a Ride to Work Day community breakfast in Victoria Mall, Coburg (Mel 29, H1) between 7:30 and 9:00 on Wednesday 13 October.

Everyone who attends goes in the running to win:

  • One of ten bike light sets – Thanks to RoadSafe Inner North West and
  • A full bike service (labour and parts to the value of $200) – Thanks to Commuter Cycles.

There will be free food – and free coffees thanks to the Coburg Traders Association.

Ride to Work Day is always a lot of fun, so drop by, grab a feed and enjoy the talk bike stuff with fellow cyclists and Council staff.

Don’t forget to register.

By registering you go in the running to win a bike worth over $2000.00. You will also be counted as being a part of the big day, and will help make the event a success.


Simon Stainsby
Sustainable Transport Officer
Moreland Council
9240 1168

PS: If you can’t make it to the Coburg breakfast, Click here to find the ride to work day breakfast near you.
For example, East Brunswick residents may wish to check out the Nicholson St / Capital City Trail breakfast hosted by Velo Cycles.

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Ride to Work Day!

Ride to Work is a behaviour change program coordinated through Bicycle Victoria that encourages workers to feel good and have fun by commuting to work by bike and experiencing the health, financial and environmental benefits of riding. Ride to Work Day will be held on Wednesday 13 October 2010.

Register for Ride to Work Day to make your ride count and to go in the running to win great prizes.

Click here to find free Community Breakfast sites in your area.

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Meet State Election Candidates – meeting # 1

Meet State Election Candidates – Brunswick & Pascoe Vale
Meeting # 1 – ALP Candidates – Jane Garrett & Christine Campbell
7:30pm, Thursday 26th August 2010
Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Brunswick
(in the private dining room out back)

Dear Moreland BUG,

Come hear from your state political candidates on their stance on cycling issues.

At the Moreland BUG we believe there is a lot that can be achieved for cyclists and cycling infrastructure by state government. We have therefore invited the candidates from the major parties contesting the upcoming November state election to come and meet with the BUG.

It will be an opportunity to hear from each of the candidates and to put questions and raise issues of concern.

As the Moreland local council area is largely covered by two state electorates we have asked the candidates from Brunswick and Pascoe Vale to come and meet with us.

On Thursday August 26 Jane Garrett and Christine Campbell, ALP candidates, will join us at the Edinburgh Castle at 7:30pm.

We have also invited candidates from The Greens and the Liberal Party to meet with us during proceeding months and more information will follow as the parties confirm their availability.

The response to the Local Council draft budget was fantastic in achieving better outcomes for Moreland cyclists. This is another great opportunity to demonstrate to our state government the importance of cyclist issues in our area. So please put the date in you diary and come along.

For those that have not come before we meet in the back meeting room at the Edinburgh Castle from 7:30 to 9pm.

Yours Sincerely,
Stephen & Phuong

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HiGH ViZ Vogue! Bike Fashion Jam in Coburg on Saturday

Radical craft group, Craft Cartel, alarmed by sights of fluoro lycra clad cyclists and equally aghast at the thought of coming a cropper while partaking in our favourite form of transport, present High Viz Vogue.

High Viz Vogue is a DIY bike fashion workshop to keep the cops and the fashion police happy. Bring helmets and any other clothing bits you’d like to make roadway and catwalk friendly, or just start from scratch using our materials. With guidance from ultra-spunky local designer, Miss Viz, this is your chance to create your own bike friendly fashion and win ace prizes.

Led by Sugar Spokes all female bike crew, the event will be followed by a celebratory ride through Moreland to parade our new hip gear. No experience necessary! All materials supplied free!

Saturday 19 June, 11 am – 1pm
Victoria Street Mall (Melway ref: 29 H1)

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East Brunswick Shimmy Launch this Tuesday

Dear BUGees

You are invited to an informal launch of the EB Shimmy.

It’s happening next Tuesday, 8 June at 10am.
Location is Amess Street at the Capital City Trail: Melway 29 K10
There will be a short speech from Mayor Stella Kariofyllidis and Carlo Carli MP followed by a photo opportunity for the press.

Hope to see you there

Nicholas Elliot
Transport Projects Officer
Moreland City Council

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Moreland Council: ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’

Dear Moreland BUG members,

More people than ever are riding in Coburg, Brunswick and throughout the inner north of Melbourne. It’s great to see so many cyclists on the road. However, with the days getting shorter it’s time to check your batteries and upgrade your bike lights so you can ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ cycling this winter.

To legally ride at night, your bike needs a bright front and rear light (visible from 200m) and a rear reflector.

Moreland Council and local bike shops are working together to make it easy for you to upgrade your lights.

Throughout the month of May you can get a massive 20% of a range of bike lights from Commuter Cycles, Lygon Cycles, My Mountain, Rays Bicycle Centre Brunswick and Velo Cycles.

Simply print attached voucher and take it to a participating store to claim you discount. Everyone who takes advantage of this offer also goes into the running to win a $300.00 cycling gift voucher. That’s just the thing for a new spray jacket, a complete bike service or maybe a new set of panniers.

Having trouble deciding which lights you need? Check out the Bicycle Victoria Bike Lights review

Be safe and be seen on the road this winter.

Simon Stainsby
Sustainable Transport Officer
Moreland Council
9240 1168

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