Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

Archive for the 'Council' Category

Look, it’s really happening!

The extension of the Upfield bike path is happening, with the first concrete pour happening for the path in the rail reserve at Fawkner Cemetery!

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Update on the old VideoEzy site

News from Nicholas Elliot at council regarding the Capital City Trail path realignment at the old VideoEzy site on Nicholson St (near the corner of Park St):

Path alignment proposed (in PDF format) – note galvanised fence on west approach to Nicholson so cyclists can use as a handrail while they wait for lights and to promote separation of path and other uses.
Also note that the existing concrete pad will have to be excavated where the bike path crosses it to account for level differences.

Cyclists exiting road crossing on west side can cycle off the path, using triangular shaped corner of existing pad, which will be re-constructed in concrete and not landscaped as symbol indicates. This and the extended handrail/fence should help with crowding in peak hours.

This alignment will be on the agenda for next BUG meeting (21 May 08). Council has decided to move ahead with construction rather than wait for the new leasee to move in and do it.
Any comments back to me via email or at Thursday’s meeting.

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Second workshop for the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy review

There is a second round of meetings for the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy review happening in early May.

Public Meeting 2 – Update on Study, Proposed Initiatives and Preliminary Strategy
Date: Thursday 1 May 2008
Time: 6:30 – 8:30pm
Venue: Coburg Town Hall (please RSVP)

Working Group Workshop 2 – Proposed Initiatives and Preliminary Strategy
Date: Monday 5 May 2008
Time: 3 – 5pm
Venue: To be advised upon RSVP

If you would like to attend, please contact Terri or Sandra on 9240 1210.
For more information, please contact Lee Dowler via
email or by phone on 9240 1265.

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Next BUG meeting: 27th March 2008

The March Moreland BUG meeting is on Thursday, March 27.

The venue will be the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, cnr of Albion St and Sydney Rd, Brunswick, from 7:30pm (not Caffe Mingo, as previously advertised).

We’ll be discussing:

  • the sell-off of the public land at Anstey Station by VicTrack and the subsequent impact on the Upfield bike path (and hear why some councillors think that cyclists should just be using Sydney Road)
  • the council’s call for tenders at 815 Nicholson St and the impact on their promise to fix the safety issues on the neighbouring bike path
  • our involvement in the upcoming Glenroy Festival
  • other advocacy issues and a council update from Nicholas

Hope to see you there!

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Invitation to the first workshop for the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy review

Moreland City Council is conducting a review of the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy that was developed ten years ago.

The review of the strategy is likely to:

  • develop initiatives to address transport challenges such as congestion and sustainability
  • align local policies with state and regional initiatives
  • prioritise Council’s advocacy efforts in relation to transport and land use issues
  • provide direction for future funding of transport infrastructure.

Booz Allen Hamilton has been appointed to conduct the review of MITS. In addition to the two workshops being run during business hours a further session is now being organised as detailed below. Council would like to invite you to participate in this workshop and provide input into the development of the strategy.

Working Group Workshop 1 – Issues and Options

Date: Monday 31 March 2008
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg

To confirm your attendance or for further information please contact Mr Grant Thorne by email or by phone on 9240 1153 by Friday 28 March 2008.

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Public meeting re the proposed East West tunnel, 13th April 2008

The Victorian Government is currently assessing the need for and developing options into a east-west transport link across inner northern Melbourne. The findings of the Eddington Inquiry (as it is known) are due shortly.

The Moreland City Council is opposed to the proposal for a tunnel under the Melbourne cemetery and Carlton/Fitzroy/Collingwood joining the Tullamarine and Eastern Fwys.

A public meeting will be held on Sunday 13th April at 2pm (immediately following the Cyclovia) at the Brunswick Town Hall (corner Sydney Rd and Dawson St, Brunswick).

Guest Speakers are Cr Janet Rice from the Metro Transport Forum, local State MP Carlo Carli and the Mayor Joe Caputo.

Moreland City Council has made a submission to the inquiry.

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The second Cyclovia is on! 13 April 2008

As a follow-up to the inaugural and highly successful Cyclovia in 2006, Moreland Council is hosting a second Cyclovia.

It will be held on Sunday 13 April 2008, from 8am to 2 pm, on Sydney Road from Bell Street, Coburg to Brunswick Road, Brunswick.

Life to the street! Come and stroll, pedal, shop or relax over coffee and cake on Sydney Road, free from motorised traffic!Enjoy this community space in a new way.

Consider volunteering as a marshal for pedestrian and bicycle traffic to help this event work smoothly.
Contact for more information.

For more information about the Cyclovia:

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Anstey Station

Council has received an application to subdivide the block at 216 Albion St, next door to Anstey Station.

One consequence of the proposed subdivision is that cyclists on the Upfield path would be forced to use the pedestrian walkway at the station entrance, with obvious safety implications.

Objections have been lodged with Council; we’ll keep you posted on progress.

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City of Yarra Bikescope survey

If you haven’t yet filled out the BikeScope survey for the City of Yarra, there’s still time!! And you could win a brand spankin new bike for your troubles, too.

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