Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

Archive for the 'Council' Category

Upfield Bike Path detour on Tuesday 31st March, 9am-4pm

Detour along Upfield Bike Path between Victoria St & Hope St, Brunswick
From 9am to 4pm
Tuesday 31st March 2009

Detour routes run parallel to the Upfield Bike Path on both sides of
the train track has been proposed
– via Percy Street to the west
– via Ovens, Ballarat, and Boase Streets to the east.

Hi everyone,

The Moreland City Council will be closing the Upfield Bike Path
between Hope Street and Victoria Streets to fix up fencing along that
stretch between 9am and 4pm on Tuesday 31st March, 2009. A detour
route has been organised by the Moreland City Council. Please pass
this message onto any family or friends who might be interested.

Note, the Upfield Bike Path will be open to cyclists before 9am and
after 4pm, so as to reduce inconvenience caused to cyclists.

See attached map.

Detour path for works along the Upfield from 9am-4pm

Detour path for works along the Upfield from 9am-4pm

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A pedal party

Moonee Valley Pedal Party

On Sunday 22nd February, 2009, between 11am and 4pm, Moonee Valley Council is holding a Pedal Party at Boeing Reserve, Strathmore Heights, Melway 16 D5, as part of its Summer in the Valley Events.

Boeing Reserve is adjacent to the Moonee Ponds Creek shared path, so is quite accessible by bicycle.

Activities on the day include:

  • Bike decorating workshop 11am- 3.30pm, concluding with bike decorating competition judging
  • Australian Wildlife Lectures
  • Envirocraft – interactive activities
  • Water Watch – check out our water through the microscope
  • Pobblebonk – an exhibition about animals on the Maribyrnong River
  • Natural environment walk and talk tour
  • Herb Patten – Australia’s leading gum leaf blower will perform and hold a free workshop

Information on cycling and the Bicycle User Group
Pedal Party inquiries 9243 8888 or email to

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Solar lights on the Upfield Path

If you are travelling the new section of the Upfield Path (through the Fawkner Cemetery) in the evening any time soon, you will notice a bunch of coloured lights marking the sides of the path. These are solar lights installed by council and Hugh Mitchell from Solar One – regular meeting attendees will remember Hugh from BUG meetings where he brought along some of his lights for us to look at.

Hugh has been working with Moreland and other councils to trial the use of these lights in bike paths for a while now, and after experimenting with a bunch of different configurations he has come up with a consistent lighting pattern for identifying hazards and marking the path. The lights are charged up by the sun through the day, and then shine all night to make sure we keep our wheels on the track.

A kilometre of lights has been laid on the new section of the path already, with the rest expected to be completed by Wednesday – head up there and check em out if you get a chance!

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Council election candidates – survey responses

As previously mentioned, MorelandBUG asked candidates running in the upcoming Council Elections to measure their support for cycling and thoughts on cycling issues in the Moreland area.

Below is a link to the survey with answers filled out by Moreland Council Election Candidates.

Moreland Council Election Candidates Responses
(.pdf, 84KB)

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Council election candidates

Dear BUGgees,

As you would know, the Moreland Council elections will be held this Saturday, and Moreland BUG surveyed candidates ahead of the election to find out who supports cycling and who is less enthusiastic.

Attached is a press release we put out with some of the results of the survey – we had thought it was going to get a run in this week’s Leader but unfortunately it didn’t.

You will note that the inaugural ‘Wooden Spoke Booby Prize’ for least bike-friendly candidate was jointly awarded to Anthony Cianflone and Michael Andrews.

The press release outlines some of the high- and low-lights, but doesn’t give a full overview of each candidate’s position. We will aim to have this overview done by late this week, in time to help you decide how to cast your vote! In the meantime, if you have any specific questions please feel free to email me and I’ll answer as best as I can.

Cheers, Anna

Candidate Survey Media Release

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Council election candidates and their positions on cycling

Council elections are on Saturday November 29.

Bicycle Victoria has invited candidates to give their views on bicycle riding.

Here are the responses from Moreland Council candidates.

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Local Ride to Work details

The National Ride to Work day is on Wednesday, October 15, 2008.

Around Moreland, the following Ride to Work activities will be happening.

The City of Moreland is hosting a breakfast in the Victoria Street Mall, Coburg, from 7:30am – 9:00am.

Commuter Cycles (14 Prentice Street, Brunswick) is offering espresso coffee (with a barista and machine in for the day) fresh fruit, and bacon & egg sandwiches, plus a quick bike tune up if you need it.
When: 7am to 10am
Cost: A gold coin donation, and that you register for Ride To Work Day.

Human Powered Cycles (38 Harrison St, Brunswick East) is offering:

  • 8-9am – free intro bike maintenance training
  • Free puncture repair all day
  • 10% off parts and accessories all day
  • 5-6pm – free intro bike maintenance training
  • 6-8pm – drinks and pizza with the crew… open to everyone!

BV have a comprehensive list of other community breakfasts around the city and state.

Please remember to register, as the stats of how many people ride helps bicycling advocacy (and you have a chance of winning some great prizes!).

If you haven’t ridden to work before and you are not sure where to start, have a read of Bicycle Victoria’s “Where do I start?” guide.

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Another update on the Merri Creek shared path diversions

An update from Kevin Ayrey at the City of Yarra:

Hi All,

Recently I contacted you with notification that improvement works were to be carried out to a section of the Merri Creek shared trail between Rushall Station and High Street bridge during September. Unfortunately these works have been delayed, and will now not take place until mid November. It is expected that the works will take 4 weeks to complete. The delay is due to the need to coordinate with the contractors undertaking the Clifton Rail Duplication Project, who are currently very active in the area, and access to the site is limited by construction vehicle movements.

The adjusted timing of the City of Yarra shared trail works will not impact on the closure requirements and diversions in place for the Clifton Rail Duplication project.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact me via the details below.


Kevin Ayrey

Landscape Architect
Open Space Branch

City of Yarra

ph. (03) 9205 5721
fax. (03) 8417 6666
mail P O Box 168, Richmond 3121

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Our submission to the draft Brunswick Structure Plan

Here is the Moreland BUG’s submission to the draft Brunswick Structure Plan.

Massive thanks to Anna, Geoff, Paul, Katie, Peter and Clare for their contributions.

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Changes to the Linear Rail Trail

The linear rail trail (part of the Capital City Trail) runs along the old inner circle railway and part of it runs through the south side of Moreland.

There have been some works on two parts of the trail recently, removing dog legs.

At Lygon St:


Near the intersection of Holtom St W and Solly Ave:

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