Fawkner Festival Sun 15th Nov – volunteers needed
The Fawkner Festival is being held on Sunday 15th November this year between 11am and 4pm at Mooma Park, McBryde Street, Fawkner.
The Fawkner Festival is a community festival with music, stalls, food, children’s activities and rides. The Festival is organised by a committee of residents and representatives of local community groups.
The Moreland Bicycle Users Group is intending on holding a stall at the event and require volunteers to help out. We need people to help set up, at least two people at the stall at any one time and people to help pack up the stall. If you could volunteer two hours of your time to help out at the stall or help set up or pack up, please email Phuong with options of your preferred shifts.
Volunteer shifts:
10:30-12:30 – set up & stall
12:30-2:30pm – stall
2:30pm-4:30pm – stall & pack up
Also, there have been suggestions of organising a bike ride from the southern parts of Moreland to the event and also the possibility of organising valet bicycle parking. If anyone is keen to take on any of these, please get in touch with Phuong ASAP!
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