The 2008 Moreland BUG AGM
The 2008 Annual General Meeting of the Moreland Bicycle User is to be held this month:
Date: Thursday 23 October
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Caffe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd, Brunswick (followed by drinks afterwards at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, cnr Albion St and Sydney Rd)
Under the constitution, the ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
- Confirm the minutes of the previous (2007) Annual General Meeting
- Presentation of financial statements by the Committee, detailing the transactions of the Group in the preceding financial year
- Elect the next Committee of Management
- Receive and consider the statement submitted by the Group in accordance with section 30(3) of the Association Incorporation Act (1981), covering details such as income and expenditure in its last financial year and assets and liabilities at the end of its last financial year
- Enact any other business for which required notice has been given in writing to the Secretary
- Set membership fees for the following year
- Appoint an auditor of the financial records for the ensuing year
The overall agenda for the night will be:
- Presentation
- Drinks at the pub!
Assuming more than one nomination per position, there will be an election for the committee positions, which are:
- Convenor
- Deputy Convenor
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Three (3) Ordinary Members
I would strongly encourage you to consider helping the BUG by being on the committee. It requires only a small amount of time but has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the group.
Nominations of candidates for election as officers of the Group or as ordinary members of the Committee must be:
- Made in writing, signed by two members of the Group and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination); and
- Delivered to me (the BUG Secretary) by Thursday 16 October at 7:30pm. I will accept the nominations in the following formats:
- Fax: 03 8610 2174
- Paper: sent to 87 Rae St, North Fitzroy, 3068
- A scan of the nomination form: sent to
Other business
If you have any other business that you want raised at the AGM, please provide notice to me, in writing, by Monday 13 October.
Please note that we require a quorum of ten (10) members at the AGM, so please come!
If you have any questions about the AGM or committee election, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Graeme Cross
Moreland BUG secretary and public officer