Moreland City Council budget campaign – diary dates
Firstly, a huge thanks to everybody who has sent emails and helped with the Council Budget campaign so far. There’s been a constant stream of emails going through to the Councillors, meetings are underway and the local media has been good to us!
The final vote on the budget won’t take place until 21st July, and in the meantime it is crucial that the BUG keeps up the pressure. Please put the following key dates in your diary and I encourage as many people as possible to attend at least one of the Council meetings to ask questions and show support.
- Written submissions due by 5pm, Thurs 26th June, via post to Moreland City Council, C/- Derek Madden, Locked Bag 10, Moreland 3058
- Verbal submission hearings from 6pm, Wed 2nd July at the Municipal Offices, 90 Bell St, Coburg. A couple of BUG folk will be making verbal submissions and we’ve been advised that having a lot of supporters present will help our cause.
- Council Meeting, 7pm Wed 9th July, Fawkner Senior Citizens Centre, Jukes Rd, Fawkner. A strong show of supporters asking questions about the budget at this meeting will be very important – this is the tactic the Coburg Pool campaigners used to successfully get the pool reopened during summer.
- Council Meeting, 6pm Wed 21st July, Council Chamber, Civic Centre 90 Bell St, Coburg – the council will adopt the final budget at this meeting.
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