Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

January BUG meeting – 25th January 2012

Dear Buggies,

first of all, we wish you a happy new year and hope that everyone had a good start to 2012!

Secondly, we are having our first meeting for the year next week. Due to the public holiday on Thursday (Australia Day) we moved the meeting to Wednesday, the 25th of January.

Our main agenda item will be the Sydney Road Street Party organisation.

Other than the change of day the meeting takes place at the usual time and the usual place. (Which is 7.30 pm at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel – 681 Sydney Road, Brunswick – in the dining room next to the courtyard.)

Food and drinks can be purchased there.


Julia Mischke.
Moreland BUG Secretary

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