Pedestrian Strategy feedback by Victoria Walks
The Moreland Pedestrian Strategy is now out for public comment. What do you think about Council’s planned changes?
Victoria Walks supports local communities to make our streets and neighbourhoods better for walking.
We’re interested in hearing from you – what do you think will make this area more vibrant? What will encourage locals to get out and about? How will the Strategy affect you?
Come along and tell us what you think.
Tuesday 11 May, 7pm
Disabled Motorists’ Association
2A Station Street, Coburg (Melways ref 29 G4)
(a short walk away from Moreland station)
Please RSVP for catering purposes – 9667 1326;
Please feel free to forward this onto others who may be interested.
We look forward to seeing you there. Happy wandering!
Best regards,
Charmaine Chew
Community Engagement Coordinator
Victoria Walks Inc.
c/o VicHealth Offices
15 – 31 Pelham Street, Carlton 3053
Phone: +613 9667 1326
Fax: +613 9667 1375