Merri-bek BUG

Merri-bek Bicycle User Group

Reminder – Moreland BUG annual general meeting

Just a reminder that the Moreland BUG’s annual general meeting is scheduled for this Thursday night (October 22nd, 2009) at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel (cnr Albion St & Sydney Rd) at 7pm.

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be:

  1. Confirm minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  2. Presentation of financial statements by the Committee, detailing the transactions of the Group in the preceding financial year
  3. Elect the next Committee of Management
  4. Receive and consider the statement submitted by the Group in accordance with the section 30(3) of the Association Incorporation Act (1981), covering details such as income and expenditure in its last financial year and assets and liabilities at the end of its last financial year
  5. Enact any other business for which required notice has been given in writing to the Secretary
  6. Set membership fees for the following year
  7. Appoint an auditor of the financial records for the ensuing year

We have entertainment lined up and snacks will be provided on the
evening so please put the AGM down in your diary and we’ll see you all

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